NTC Removal
Fig. 14-15
Fig. 14-13
Fig. 14-14
Cut Away View
The NTC is held in place by two locking tabs,
items 1 and 2.
To remove the NTC from the Heater Assembly,
unhook the front tab, item 1, and lift the NTC up
slightly on that side, holding the tab open as you lift.
Once the NTC has been removed make sure to
retrieve the NTC O-ring from the Heater Assembly
if it is not on the NTC when it’s removed.
Service tip: When installing the NTC, apply water
to the O-ring so it will seat easier.
To avoid leaks, always make sure
the NTC is secure and inserted
completely into the Heater
Then unhook the rear tab, item 2, holding it open,
while you slide the NTC up and out from the
Heater Assembly.