AutoDome 700/800 IP AutoDome Firmware Updates via a TCP/IP Network | en 1
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Firmware Update Manual F.01U.097.269 | 4.0 | 2012.02
1 IP AutoDome Firmware Updates via a TCP/IP Network
The AutoDome 700 and AutoDome 800 incorporate a network video server in the IP module.
The primary function of the server is to encode video and control data for transmission over a
TCP/IP network. The IP AutoDome also allows an operator to update the AutoDome firmware
via the TCP/IP network.
Refer to the AutoDome 700 or AutoDome 800 Installation and User Manuals for specific
instructions on configuring an IP AutoDome.
To update firmware on an AutoDome 100 or an AutoDome 600 see Section 2 Analog Camera
Firmware Updates via the CTFID, page 7.
1.1 Upgrading the AutoDome 700 or AutoDome 800
The preferred method to update an IP AutoDome is through a direct connection between the
AutoDome and a PC. This method entails connecting the Ethernet cable from the IP AutoDome
directly to the Ethernet port of a PC.
If the direct-connect method is not practical you can also update the IP AutoDome through a
Local Area Network (LAN). You cannot, however, update the IP AutoDome through a Wide
Area Network (WAN) or via the Internet.