Tank Removal
Fig. 15-9
Fig. 15-7 Fig. 15-8
Fig. 15-7
Now on both the left and right sides remove
the T-20 Torx Tank Mounting Screws, item 1,
and the Door Hinge Pivot tab, item 2.
Fig. 15-8
To remove the Door Hinge Pivot Tab, insert
your T-20 Torx bit into the Tab and bring the
screwdriver down releasing the tab.
Service note: The tab is a press fit, and will simply
snap into position when replaced.
Fig. 15-9
With both Tank Mounting Screws and Door
Hinge Pivot Tabs removed bring the Inner
Door up and off the unit. The Lower Door
Seal, item 1, will pull away as you remove
the door.
Set the door aside.
Service note: The Door Seal is a press fit along
the bottom lip of the tank. To avoid
leaking, make sure the Door Seal is
correctly inserted back along the
tank lip when replaced.