AutoDome 700 Series IP PTZ Camera Using the AutoDome 700 Series | en 11
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. User Manual F.01U.273.798 | 3.0 | 2012.08
8. Click the Set button to save the settings.
9. Launch another instance of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
10. Type the original IP address followed by /reset (for example, in
the address bar and click Go to restart the AutoDome 700 Series. Once you restart the
AutoDome 700 Series, use the new IP Address to access the Livepage.
11. Disconnect the AutoDome 700 Series Ethernet cable from the dedicated network switch
and reconnect the Ethernet cable to the local area network (LAN).
2.5 Configuring Intelligent Tracking
The AutoDome utilizes the built-in Intelligent Video Analytics (IVA) to continuously follow an
individual or object even if it passes behind a Privacy Mask or a stationary object. The
AutoDome uses objects detected by IVA in a stationary preset position to activate the
Intelligent Tracking feature. Intelligent Tracking controls the pan/tilt/zoom actions of the
camera to keep the selected object in the scene.
To activate the Intelligent Tracking feature, one of the following conditions must be met:
– The Silent IVA option must be selected in the VCA page on the Settings tab. Refer to
Section 4.40 VCA, page 50.
– IVA must be active for at least one preset scene in the VCA page on the Settings tab. If
IVA is configured for one scene, then all other scenes have Intelligent Tracking enabled by
default. If a scene, however, has Motion+ of IVA Flow activated then the Intelligent
Tracker is disabled for these scenes.
2.5.1 Intelligent Tracking Operation
The Intelligent Tracking feature behaves in one of the following ways:
– Camera detects an object in motion and automatically tracks the object
User actions always take precedence over Intelligent Tracking. If the AutoDome is actively
tracking an object and a user takes control, the AutoDome will attempt to track the
object after a period of inactivity.
– An IVA alarm can trigger Intelligent Tracking to track a detected object
A rule that triggers an IVA event must be set. The following standard tasks can be set
Object in field, Crossing Line, Loitering, Condition change, Following route, Entering
field, and Leaving field. Refer to the IVA 5.51 Operation Guide for specific information.
– A user manually selects an object in the live image area to track
Intelligent Tracking allows a user to click a moving object in the live image display inside
the Livepage to identify an object to track.
– Use AUX Command 78 to activate/deactivate Intelligent Tracking
Use AUX ON 78 to enable the Intelligent Tracking Auto Mode. This command can be used
in conjunction with the rules engine.
Click the Help on this page? link if you need more information.
The following actions occur if Intelligent Tracking is active:
– All other IVA objects are disabled in scenes with Intelligent Tracking.
– The camera automatically disables the display of compass headings. Refer to Page 41 for
details of the Compass feature.