
Replacement of Memory Backup Batteries
EN | 71
•Error 24 - Keyboard not enabled for acknowledge
This keyboard may not acknowledge alarm video on this monitor; it has been
disabled by the system programmer.
•Error 25 - Alarm switcher running
Alarm video may only be acknowledged if the alarm switcher is not running;
press [HOLD] to stop the switcher.
•Error 50 - SEQUENCE not available
The user tried to load a switcher sequence that does not exist. This is a good
way to tell from the keyboard which sequence numbers are unused when desir-
ing to add one.
•Error 51 - SEQUENCE request
A request was made to load an ABSOLUTE type sequence without the key-
board being on one of the monitors in that sequence. Because inadvertent load-
ing of monitors should be avoided, the user is required to switch his keyboard to
one of the monitors used by the sequence. The PROGRAM mode may be used
to review what monitors are used in the sequence.
•Error 52 - SEQUENCE request
A request was made to load a RELATIVE type sequence on too high of a monitor
number; the monitors used by the sequence would extend past the highest mon-
itor. Try switching to a lower monitor number before loading the sequence.
•Error 53 - Switcher empty
The user has tried to control a sequence using the NEXT, PREV, RUN, or HOLD
keys without there being a sequence loaded.
•Error 55 - SEQUENCE priority
The switcher sequence being requested or cleared requires monitors that are in
use by a user of equal or higher priority. Contact a user with higher priority or
have the system administrator clear the monitors in question.
•Error 56 - SEQUENCE request
The user has tried to load a sequence that is being edited in the PROGRAM
mode. Once editing is completed, the sequence may be loaded.
•Error 58 - SEQUENCE request
The sequence being requested is a relative sequence, and the user is only
allowed access to absolute sequences.
•Error 60 - PROGRAM request
The user has tried to program a sequence that is currently running. The
sequence must first be stopped before any editing can be performed.
•Error 62 - PROGRAM request
The user has tried to program a new sequence when the system is out of
sequence memory space. Delete unused sequences and then program the new
•Error 63 - PROGRAM request
Some other user is already programming a sequence on this monitor.