Conettix C900V2 | Installation Guide | 3.0 Setup
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 8/08 | F01U087780-01 11
Table 6: System LED Functions
Color State Function
None Off No power.
Green Solid C900V2 failed.
Flashing (5 Hz) The receiver is responding normally.
Red Solid C900V2 failed.
Flashing (5 Hz) The receiver is not responding.
1 flash: ROM checksum error Flashing
2 flashes: RAM test error
Alternating (5 Hz) The dialer is off-hook, but the last message was rejected because of a bad checksum or
other logical error.
If the dialer subsequently sends a valid message, the LED returns to a blinking green status. If the dialer hangs up, an
intercept error is generated. The alternating LED also occurs when the line is seized, but no transaction occurs (for
example, the C900V2 is waiting for the dialer to return on-hook). This happens when the C900V2 returns to Intercept
Mode, or while the dialer seizes the line.
Table 7: Dialer LED Functions
Color State Function
None Off C900V2 is in permanent Fallback Mode due to a command or no power.
Green Solid C900V2 is in Intercept Mode and the dialer is on-hook.
Flashing (5 Hz) C900V2 is in Intercept Mode and the dialer is off-hook.
Red Solid C900V2 is in Fallback Mode due to an error, Intercept Inhibit or Override inputs, or a
Flashing (5 Hz) An off-hook condition caused an intercept error.
Alternating (5 Hz) The dialer is off-hook, but the last message was rejected due to a bad checksum or other
logical error.
If Auto Fallback After Error is enabled (DIP Switch 5 = ON), the C900V2 connects the dialer to the phone line at the
next line seizure. If the dialer does not seize the line, this condition terminates after two min.
If the dialer subsequently sends a valid message, the LED returns to a blinking green status. If the dialer hangs up, an
intercept error is generated. The alternating LED also occurs when the line is seized, but no transaction occurs (for
example, the C900V2 is waiting for the dialer to return on-hook). This happens when the C900V2 returns to Intercept
Mode, or while the dialer seizes the line.