D1265 | Owner's Manual | Part II: System Commands
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 9/10 | F01U169130-02 17
Turning On the System (Arming) With a
Duress Passcode
Your passcode might have a special duress feature that
can be your personal passcode with its last digit
increased by one or two digits. Alternately, some
systems might have a specific passcode designated as
the Duress disarm passcode. Consult your security
company for your security system’s configured duress
For example, if your passcode is 1234, your duress
passcode might be 1235 or 1236.
If an intruder demands that you arm or disarm the
security system, you can use your duress passcode. The
duress passcode arms or disarms the system and sends
a duress report to your security company. There is no
alarm tone or visual indication at the premises that the
report is sent. Check with your security company
before attempting to use this feature.
Turning On the System (Arming) With
Doors or Windows Open
If a protected door or window is open, you might have
the option of “force arming” with that point faulted.
Faulted points (opened doors or windows) that are
force armed are not included in the system. The
remaining points arm normally.
Force armed points either return to normal operation
after you turn your system off or return to normal
when the door or window is closed. Your system might
not offer force arming or it might be restricted to
specific points. Contact your security company for
more information.
Use your passcode or an arming function to start the
arming process.
1. Ensure the display shows Check Area #.
2. One of the messages below might display in
place of Check Area #.
This display indicates the system is
programmed not to arm with particular points
faulted (doors or windows open).
This display indicates that the system’s number
of allowable bypassed points has been reached.
Your system’s maximum number of bypassed
and/or force armed points is set by your
security company. Check with them to learn
this number.