D268, D269 Operation and Installation Manual
74-04758-000-H Page 6 Copyright © 2001 Radionics
D268, D269
Figure 2: D268 Module
Using the D268 Module with the D8112 Control/Communicator
The D268 controls arming/disarming and entry/exit delay for the zone input to which it is connected. Sub-control
zones use distinctive zone codes which do not follow typical zone code programming rules. The first two digits of
the zone code follow Special Zone Code programming. The last two digits follow standard programming
parameters. (See the 8112: MAIN Program Entry Guide, Section 22.4 for complete sub-control zone code
programming details.)
Supervised Independent Zone Controls (Opening and Closing Reports)
As an installation option, the zone output of the D268 (see Figure 4) can be switched open when the D268 is
disarmed and returned to normal when the sub-control arms. This can be used to generate opening and closing
reports by zone from a supervised panel. The panel must be programmed for opening/ closing reports.
When using a D8112, supervised sub-control zone codes must be programmed with a 3 in the first digit position
and a 2 in the second digit position. The 3 2 _ _ code is a Special Zone Code used by the D8112 to identify a
supervised sub-control zone. Install jumper plug J2 in the “B” OP/CL position on the D268 Module (see Figure 2)
to enable opening and closing reports from the zone controlled by the D268.
Non-Supervised Independent Zone Controls (No Opening and Closing Reports)
The zone code for a non-supervised, sub-control zone must be programmed with 3 in the first digit position and
4 in the second digit position. The 3 4
_ _
code is a Special Zone Code used by the D8112 to identify a non-
supervised, sub-control zone. When the zone code begins with 3 4, opening and closing reports are not transmitted
from the zone controlled by the D268.
Priority Zone Functions
Programming the D268 as a priority zone enables two valuable functions. When the zone code for the D268 is
programmed with a 3, 4, 7, or 8 in the fourth digit position the sub-control zone must be armed before the main
system can be master armed. In addition, priority zone programming provides for an arm/disarm status display
on the Command Center for the sub-control zone. If you attempt to arm the system when the D268 is not armed,
a dash (-) is displayed on the Alpha command center to indicate a fault. Pressing any key displays the disarmed
priority zone as a faulted zone. Some standard priority sub-control zone codes are shown below:
3233 Supervised, no restoral reports, steady bell on alarm, Alpha display visible, priority zone.
3433 Non-supervised, no restoral reports, steady bell on alarm, Alpha display visible, priority zone.
3273 Supervised, restoral reports, steady bell on alarm, Alpha display visible, priority zone with no swinger