Conettix D6600/D6100 | Computer Interface Manual | Appendix I: D6600 SafeCom Messages
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Modem IIe Format
Modem IIe messages are reported as AA EE ZZZ where AA is the area code, EE is the event code from
Table 116, and ZZZ is the zone or user code. For example: 01 EF 009 = area 1, alarm zone 9.
Table 116: Supported Event Codes
Code Meaning Code Meaning
FE Listen in. D4 Walk test point.
FD Fail to call RAM. D3 Extend close time by user ZZZ.
FC Access granted. D2 Cancel by user ZZZ.
FB Duress user ZZZ. D1 Status = open.
FA User ZZZ alarm 7. D0 Open by user ZZZ.
F9 User ZZZ alarm 9. CF Force close by user ZZZ.
F8 Point ZZZ bypass. CE Status = closed.
F7 Point ZZZ forced bypass. CD Close by user ZZZ.
F6 Status = alarm ZZZ. CC Test report.
F5 Status = trouble ZZZ. CB Log at threshold.
F4 Fire alarm ZZZ. CA Log overflow.
F3 Fire trouble ZZZ. C9 Parameter change.
F2 Missing fire ZZZ. C8 User code tamper by user ZZZ.
F1 Fire restore ZZZ. C7 User code for user ZZZ added or changed.
F0 Fire trouble restore ZZZ. C6 Sked ZZZ execute.
EF Alarm ZZZ. C5 Sked ZZZ changed.
EE Trouble ZZZ. C4 Date changed by user ZZZ.
ED Restore ZZZ. C3 Time changed by user ZZZ.
EC Missing alarm ZZZ. C2 User level set by user ZZZ.
EB Missing trouble ZZZ. C1 Valid programmer access by SDI device ZZZ.
EA Point ZZZ open. C0 Invalid programmer access by SDI device ZZZ.
E9 Point ZZZ close. BF Valid RAM access on phone ZZZ.
E8 Extra point ZZZ. BE Invalid RAM access on phone ZZZ.
E7 Point bus trouble. BD Comm fail phone ZZZ.
E6 All points tested. BC Comm restore phone ZZZ.
E5 Restoral from alarm. BB Phone line ZZZ fail.
E4 Fire cancel. BA Phone line ZZZ restore.
E3 User code added. B9 SDI device ZZZ trouble.
E2 Service start. B8 SDI device ZZZ restore.
E1 Service end. B7 Panel AC fail.
E0 Sensor ZZZ reset. B6 Panel AC restore.
DF Relay ZZZ set. B5 Panel battery missing.
DE Relay ZZZ reset. B4 Panel battery low.
DD Panel was forced armed. B3 Panel battery restore.
DC Create status report. B2 Panel watchdog activated.
DB Fire walk start by user ZZZ. B1 Supervision (non-fire) ZZZ.
DA Fire walk end. B0 Remote reset.
D9 Walk test start by user ZZZ. AF ROM checksum failure.
D8 Walk test end. AE Memory failure.
D7 Fail to open. AD Reboot
D6 Fail to close. AC Parameter checksum failure.
D5 Area watch by user ZZZ. AB Force perimeter instant by user ZZZ.