D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | View Alarm Memory (Cmd 40)
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E 21
View Alarm Memory (Cmd 40)
After an alarm is silenced and cleared from the display,
you can still review the points in alarm.
1. Ensure the system is turned off (On indicator is
2. Press [CMD] [4] [0]. The keypad may prompt you
to enter a valid passcode.
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad
shows all points in alarm memory. In this example,
the keypad displays that Point 5 alarmed.
Alarm Pt5
Bedroom 1 Window
If you enter your passcode before the system
reports to your alarm company, the keypad
Abort Pt8
Bedroom 1 Window
When the last alarm is shown, the keypad displays:
To clear memory,
Turn system On.
If no alarm memory is present, the keypad
No alarms in
system memory.
4. The keypad returns to the normal display. Turn
the system on again to clear alarm memory.
View System Trouble (Cmd 42)
Use this command to view system troubles. For
example, a system trouble occurs when the system is
running only on the backup battery, there is
communications trouble, or it is time for the system to
be serviced by your security company.
1. Ensure the system is turned off (On indicator is
2. Press [CMD] [4] [0]. The keypad may prompt you
to enter a valid passcode.
3. Enter your passcode if necessary. The keypad
shows all points in alarm memory. In this example,
the keypad displays that Point 5 alarmed.
If the system has no AC main supply and is
operating off the backup battery, the keypad
System running
on battery only.
If the system detects the telephone line is missing
or there is no dial tone, the following appears on
the keypad.
Line 1 trouble.
Check Dial tone.
If the system fails to communicate with the security
company, the keypad displays:
Comm Fail
Destination 1
If the system was programmed to be serviced by
your security company at the service interval, the
keypad displays the following:
Call for service
If there are no system troubles, the keypad
There are no
system troubles!
4. Press [CMD] to return to the normal display.