Conettix D6600/D6100 | Computer Interface Manual | 3.0 Computer Communication Protocols
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3.0 Computer Communication Protocols
3.1 D6500 Mode Messages
In D6500 Mode, the line number/group number sent to the computer is only one digit. Refer to Table 2.
Table 2: D6600 Line Number/Group Number Conversion Table
/Group #
/Group #
Line #
/Group #
Line #
/Group #
L01/G01 1 L09/G09 9 L17/G17 H L25/G25 P
L02/G02 2 L10/G10 A L18/G18 I L26/G26 Q
L03/G03 3 L11/G11 B L19/G19 J L27/G27 R
L04/G04 4 L12/G12 C L20/G20 K L28/G28 S
L05/G05 5 L13/G13 D L21/G21 L L29/G29 T
L06/G06 6 L14/G14 E L22/G22 M L30/G30 U
L07/G07 7 L15/G15 F L23/G23 N L31/G31 V
L08/G08 8 L16/G16 G L24/G24 O L32/G32 W
In D6500 mode, any group that equals 33 is converted to an “X.” Any group greater than or equal to
34 is converted to a “Y.” For lines that are grouped, Gxx appears instead of Lxx. For networked
accounts, Nxx appears instead of Lxx and the line number is identified.
3.1.1 Acron Super Fast (Message Type 9)
D6500 Byte Description
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Acron Super
Fast Example
h 9 r r l s s s s a a a a C C C C C C C C t
Table 3: Message Type 9 (Acron Super Fast) Byte Description
# Title Description
1 Header Character (h)
Optional. Check with the computer automation software for compatibility.
2 Message Type
3-4 Receiver Number
Receiver gateway number from 01 to 99.
5 Line/Group Number
Line number in the receiver gateway that sent the message.
6-9 Spaces
Six spaces.
10-13 Account Number
Account number, four digits.
14-21 Channels
Channels 1 to 8
22 Trailer Character
Typically, this is HEX 14.