D7024 Operation and Installation Guide
© 2005 Bosch Security Systems Page 11 41740F
2.2 Specifications
Storage and Operating Temperature: +32° to +120°F (0° to +49°C)
Input Power: 120 V, 60 Hz, 1.5 A (max. 2 0 A fused supply circuit)
Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC) Power: Each NAC has 24 VDC nominal, unfiltered
(special application) power with up to 2.5 A capacity (but limited by overall 4.0 A capacity).
Refer to Technogram P/N: 34950 for compatible NAC devices.
Auxiliary Power: 24 VDC nominal, unfiltered, 1.0 A (special application)
Initiating Circuit (Smoke) Power: 24 VDC nominal, filtered, 1.0 A. Refer to Technogram
P/N: 34445 for compatible smoke detection devices.
Option Bus Power: 12 VDC nominal, 500 mA
Optional Standby Batteries: Two 12 V (in series), 7 – 40 Ah
Two on-board notification circuits - NAC 1 and NAC 2. These are 24 V outputs for
notification devices with up to 2.5 A capacity (but limited by overall 4.0 A capacity) on
each circuit.
Wired for standard Class B, Style Y operation (use model D7015 Class B to Class A NAC
Converter to convert to Class A, Style Z as needed).
Notification Appliance
Circuits (NACs)
Configurable for patterns: steady, pulsing, ANSI "code 3", synchronized Wheelock,
synchronized Gentex.
Local Relays: The main panel includes two Form “C” relays. The relay contacts are rated
at 5 A, 28 VDC. No over current limiting is performed on the contacts of these relays. The
default selection for the relays is to indicate general alarm and general system trouble. By
programming them using point/zone mapping, they can be programmed to activate on a
wide variety of conditions.
Remote Relay Module (D7035): The D7035 is an Octal Relay Module that provides eight
Form “C” relay outputs. It connects to the D7024 via the option bus. The outputs are fully
programmable, exactly as the local relays are programmed. Each output operates
independently of the other seven to provide complete flexibility. Communication with the
D7035 is supervised.
Contact Rating: 5 A @ 28 VDC
Number of Modules: 2 units maximum
Wiring Requirements: Refer to Section 4.2, Option Bus Wiring Requirements.