D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Operation and Installation Guide | 7.0 Telephone Connections
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/10 | F01U143070-03 30
7.11 D928 Dual Phone Line Switcher
7.11.1 Description
The optional D928 Dual Phone Line Switcher allows
the control panel to send reports over two separate
telephone lines. If a telephone line is not within the
operating range, the control panel attempts to use the
other telephone line to send the message. If trouble is
detected, the control panel keeps the faulty telephone
line in memory.
Set the Ring Count above 2 on Answering
Machines: The control panel’s RPS line monitor
feature might not operate correctly if an answering
machine with a ring count of less than two rings is
connected to a telephone line used by the D928
7.11.2 Operation
Refer to Phone and Phone Parameters in the
GV2MAIN section of the D9412GV3/D7412GV3
Program Entry Guide (P/N: F01U170807) for
telephone supervision and reporting options. To use
the D928, set the Two Phone Lines prompt to Yes.
When the D928 is installed, the control panel
alternates between Phone Line 1 and Phone Line 2 to
send its first report. For example, on day one, the
control panel first attempts to communicate on Phone
Line 1. On day two, the control panel switches and
attempts to communicate on Phone Line 2.
Any time the control panel resets or is
powered down or up, the next reported
event always attempts to call out on Phone
Line 1 first.
If Phone Line 2 is not in service on “Day 2”,
the control panel switches to the primary
phone line to send the report.
With the D928 Dual Phone Line Switcher installed,
the control panel uses two telephone lines (primary
and secondary) to dial up to four telephone numbers.
When using a primary and a backup device within a
Route Group #, the control panel makes two
attempts on the primary telephone line using the
Primary Device # as programmed. If these two
attempts fail, the control panel switches to the
secondary telephone line using the Backup Device #
as programmed. This pattern continues for a total of
ten attempts. After ten unsuccessful attempts, the
control panel generates a Comm Fail event for the
given Route Group #.
Figure 12: D928 Dual Phone Line Switcher
1 - Connect to ACCESSORY CONNECTOR with
ribbon cable.
2 - Green to Terminal 1
3 - Black to Terminal 9
4 - AC Power LED (green)
5 - Phone jack to primary phone line
6 - Primary Fail LED (yellow)
7 - Phone jack to secondary phone line
8 - Secondary Fail LED (yellow)
9 - Phone jack to telco connector
10 - Communications Fail LED (yellow)
11 - Buzzer