D8125INV Operation and Installation Guide
49690E Page 22 © 2005 Bosch Security Systems Programming the FA113 Keyfob
An unlimited number of FA113 Keyfobs can be added to a system in the same location. However, the system is not
capable of differentiating the keyfobs. The D8125INV does not supervise Low Battery or Missing conditions for any of
the Keyfobs. The FA113 Keyfob is treated as a Maintained Keyswitch on D9412GV2, D7412GV2, D9412G, D7412G,
D9412, D7412, D7212, and D9112 Control Panels. When using both arming/disarming and alert functions of the keyfob,
Points 74 and 75 (for Zonex Bus 1 on D9412GV2, D7412GV2, D9412G, D7412G, D9412, D7412, D7212, and D9112
Control Panels) and Points 194 and 195 (for Zonex Bus 2 on D9412GV2, D9412G, D9412, and D9112 Control Panels)
are used.
Do not program any other transmitters for Points 74 and 75 or Points 194 and 195. These are for the FA113
Keyfobs only.
The FA113 Keyfob has four buttons: ON, OFF, and two Alert (*) buttons. The ON button is used to arm the area the
point is assigned to and initiate the Master Arm Delay state. The OFF button is used to disarm the area to which the point
is assigned.
The Point Index for Point 74 and 194 must be programmed as a Point Type 4 with a Point Response of 2.
When both Alert buttons are pressed, the D8125INV sends a Short to the control panel for Point 75 or 195. Program the
control panel accordingly so that the Point Response provides the appropriate response. To clear the condition from
Point 75 or 195, press the ON or OFF button.
To program an FA113 keyfob, connect the programming cable to the transmitter and program the lower numbered point
(74 or 194) as a new transmitter and select mode 4. Disconnect the programming cable and program the higher
numbered point (75 or 195) into the D8125INV as an existing transmitter and select mode 4. This will enable both
points on the keyfob. Programming the D9412GV2, D7412GV2, D7212GV2, D9412G, D7412G, D7212G, D9412, D7412,
D7212, and D9112 Control Panels for RF Transmitters
Regardless of the mode that is programmed into each transmitter (Normally Open, Normally Closed), the D8125INV
will send back to the control panel the responses shown in Table 8.
2.2 k
= Normal
2.2 k
= Faulted
2.2 k
= Tamper
= Normal
= Faulted
2.2 k
= Normal
2.2 k
= Faulted
2.2 k
= Tamper
= Normal
= Faulted
Modes 1 & 8 Modes 2 & 9 Modes 3, 7 & 10 Modes 4, 6 & 11
If the RF Transmitter sends… D8125INV sends to the control panel…
a Faulted condition Shorted condition
a Tamper condition Open condition
a Normal condition Normal condition
a Low Battery condition (see note) Low Battery condition
Table 8: D8125INV Point Transition Reporting to D9412, D9112, D7412, and D7212 Control Panels
Note: Only D9412G, D7412G, D7212G, D9412, D7412, D7212, and D9112 Control Panels, Version 6.50 and higher,
are able to send RF BATTERY LOW events. See the D9412G/D7412G Program Entry Guide (P/N: 47775) for
information on programming RF BATTERY LOW events in the Routing section. The D9412GV2, D7412GV2,
and D7212GV2 can use any revision. In addition, RPS Version 3.6 and 9000MAIN Handler Version 1.13 or
higher must be used to enable this event.
Based on the information in Table 8, please follow the recommended programming guidelines for Point Type and Point
Response shown in Table 9.