D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 9000MAIN EN | 67
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
2.12 Function List
The Function List is accessed when the user presses
[MENU] (or the key corresponding to menu) on the
D1260) while the command center is displaying the
idle text. Up to 32 functions M### Function(s) can
be programmed.
Each CC # command center address can display a
combination of all/each of the 32 menu items. The
D1255 displays one menu item at a time. The D1260
displays up to two menu items at a time. Enabling
the function in the menu list does this by command
center address. The function name shown in the
Functions column on the record sheet appears in the
command center display in capital letters. For
example, WATCH MODE displays for
#6 Watch
Menu Item
Default: See
Program Record Sheet
Selection: 1 to 32
Enter the menu item number you are programming.
The M## Function displays sequentially in the order
they are programmed. (M 1 Function is the first
function that appears in the menu and M 32
Function is the last function that appears when
scrolling through the menu).
A failure to program Menu Item 1 causes
COMMAND DISABLED to appear in the
command center display.
M## Function
Default: See
Program Record Sheet
Blank, 1 to 30, 32 to 35, 37, and
128 to 143
Enter the function number indicated in the “#”
column of the Program Record Sheet and next to the
function in Section 2.11 User Interface.
Function numbers 128 to 143 are custom
functions and display the text programmed
for CF ### Text.
There is no restriction on how many times
you may assign a specific function to the
menu. By doing so, you can assign the
same function at different command
centers so they appear differently in some
areas than in others.
M## CC Address 1 [through 8]
Default: See
Program Record Sheet
Selection: Yes or No
Yes This menu item appears at this
command center address.
This menu item does not appear at this
command center address.
Programming this prompt determines at which CC
address setting this Menu Item appears.
2.13 Relay Parameters
Relays provide dry contact (normally open/closed)
outputs for LED annunciation and other applications
as well as wet (12 VDC on/off) voltage outputs for
basic alarm system functions (such as Bell Output or
Reset Sensors). The applications are endless, but
primarily, relays are used to enhance a system’s
capability to perform output functions.
• Panel-Wide Relays: These relays provide an
output related to a panel-wide indication. For
annunciation, these relays can indicate system
wide troubles for power, phone, and overall
control panel summary of alarms, troubles, and
supervisory conditions.
• Area Relays: These relays provide an output by
the area that the relay is assigned to. An area
can have its own bell and sensor reset
indications. Relays can also indicate the area
armed state and whether any off normal
conditions such as a force arm occurred.
• On Board Relays: There are three on-board 12
VDC voltage-outputs that provide power when
activated on the control panel. These outputs are
default programmed from the factory as Relays
A, B, and C. Typically, Relay A (Terminal 6) is
used for the bell, Relay B (Terminal 7) is used
for an alternate alarm output (such as another
bell), and Relay C (Terminal 8) is used for
Sensor Reset (Relays B and C require the
optional D136 Relays).
• Off-Board Relays: The D9412G can also
control 128 (64 for the D7412G) dry contact
form C relays when up to sixteen optional
D8129 OctoRelay Modules are installed. These
relays are used for Area Relay, Panel-Wide
Relay, and Individual Point Fault Relays.
• Relay Follows Point: Relays can also be used
to activate when a point programmed for
RlyResp Type
(in Section 4.1 Point Index) is off
normal or in alarm condition.