D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Operation and Installation Guide | 4.0 Installation
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/10 | F01U143070-03 18
4.8 Installing the Point Chart Label
The point chart label is required for fire
systems with verifications points.
A point chart label is included in the literature pack.
Install the point chart label for fire or combined fire-
and-burglary systems that use verification points.
Use the D9412GV3/D7412GV3 Program Record
Sheet (P/N: F01U170809) to gather the necessary
information for completing the point chart. Fill out the
label and install it on the inside of the enclosure door
(refer to Figure 2 on page 15).
Avoid smearing the entries on the chart.
Use the peel-off backing to press the
label in place.
4.9 Testing the System
After installing and programming the control panel,
test the system completely. Test the control panel and
all devices for proper operation.
Test after initially programming the control
To meet UL 864 requirements, perform a
full system test after any subsequent
programming session.
Refer to Section 4.10 Service Walk Test on page 18
for complete Service Walk Test instructions.
Clear after Test: To clear the event memory and
report buffer, momentarily close the reset pin. Events
stored in the control panel’s event log are not cleared.
4.10 Service Walk Test
The Service Walk Test differs from the standard Walk
Test. In the standard Walk Test, POPITs whose
switches are set for a point number not programmed
in the control panel do not appear in the test. In the
Service Walk Test, POPITs whose switches are set
for a point number that is not programmed in the
control panel do appear in the test.
The Service Walk Test allows a user to walk test all
246 points from a control-panel-wide keypad,
regardless of the point index type.
A Service Walk Test can also be initiated by account-
wide or area-wide keypads but test only those points
that are within the scope of the keypad that initiated
the function. The Service Walk Test does not test
points in armed areas.
Only Walk Test Start and Walk Test End
are reported to the central station.
The D9131A can be configured for local
printing. Refer to the D9412GV3/
D7412GV3 Program Entry Guide
(P/N: F01U170807).
During a Service Walk Test, the summary
alarm and summary fire remain off,
because there are no Fire or Burg alarm
conditions to summarize. The P# Relay
Response Type feature operates as
Service Walk Test Procedure.
Refer to Figure 5 on page 20 and Figure 6 on page 21
for Service Walk Test options. Refer to the Walk Test
procedures in the GV3 Series Owner’s Manual
Supplement (P/N: F01U143082) when using a D1260
or D1260B Keypad.
1. Choose a keypad to conduct the test. Ensure that
the display shows the idle disarmed text.
2. Press the [MENU] key to enter the Function List.
Press [NEXT] repeatedly until the SERVICE
WALK ? prompt appears.
3. Press [ENT], or press [9][9] followed by [ENT] to
reach the Service Menu to access the Service
Walk Test.
The D7412GV3 does not include the
Service Walk Test in the Service Menu.
Enabling the Service Walk Test function
in the Function List provides access to
the Service Walk Test in the D9412GV3.
4. The display shows ### PTS TO TEST .Test the
first detection device.
5. When a detection device is faulted, the keypad
emits a brief tone and displays the point text of
the point tested for 60 sec. After 60 sec, the
display returns to the ### PTS TO TEST
Extra Points display default text: If the switches on
a POPIT are set incorrectly to a point number that is
not in the program for the control panel, the default
text for that point number (PT ###) appears when the
point is faulted. Refer to the control panel’s program
record sheet for the default text for all points.
Faulting the point a second time produces the tone
and shows the point text, but does not decrease the
count in the ## PTS TO TEST message.