– 18 –BOSCH Security Systems GmbH A1 02.03
Deleting archives / searching for archive images and additional data
You are now on the live image
Deleting 1. From the System menu, select the
old search Image archive command. The image archive will be
results opened.
2. On the archive tree, click on the + sign in front of
the archive. The archive will be opened, the image
clusters will be shown.
3. Select the clusters to be deleted in the
archive by clicking with the right mouse button
and selecting the
Delete command from the menu that opens. You will
see another confirmation box.
4. Confirm the deletion with Yes.
Image 5. From the Database menu, select the
search for Search (single images) command. A dialog box for
additional searching the archive will open.
data 6. Enter the search criteria and/or the archives to be
searched and click the Search button.
The images found will be saved in the local archive
Search results.
7. The images found in the search results archive
can be looked at, printed, saved, and swapped out.
Search dialog
(single images)
Search dialog
(motion information)
For a targeted search, an
image selection can be
displayed on the camera
image. If you click the left
mouse button, you will see
a (+) sign. You can set
several selections next to
one another or individually.
If you click the right mouse
button, you will see a (–)
sign. Now you can modify
or remove image
selections. Enter the
search criteria and click
This function is only working for images
which one record through the internal
motion detection, not for continously
recorded images.