Page 34 P/N: F01U035325-01 Copyright © 2007 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. DS7400Xi (4+) Reference Guide
10.0 Programming
10.1 General Control Programing: Program Address (0000)
General Control programming defines the system-wide general operating parameters. See Glossary (section 6.1) for further details.
0Select Options 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Allow Normal and Custom Arming**
Allow Perimeter Instant Arming**
Allow Perimeter Arming**
Allow Maximum Security Arming**
Closing Ring-Back
Data Digi
Siren on Comm. Fail for Silent Zone
8 9 *0 *1 *2 *3 *4 *5
Enter the Data Digit as a:
50 Hz. operation
60 Hz. operation
= For installations in North America, select 60 Hz. operation.
*0 - *5 are Hex values. They will display as A - F at the keypads.
0 1 2
Restore zone when Sounders Silence
Restore zone when Zone Restores
Restore zone when System is Disarmed
Allow Swinger Shunts. Send Bypass Reports
Select Options
Enter DD as a:
Allow Swinger Shunts. No Bypass Reports
** = • Normal Arming = [PIN] + [On]: If programmed, Normal Arming arms the entire system while allowing entry delays for entry/
exit zones.
• Perimeter Instant Arming = [PIN] + [No Entry] + [Perimeter Only]: If programmed, Perimeter Instant Arming arms only the
perimeter of the system and does not allow entry delays for entry/exit zones.
• Perimeter Arming = [PIN] + [Perimeter Only]: If programmed, Perimeter Arming arms only the perimeter of the system
while allowing entry delays for entry/exit zones.
• Custom Arming = [PIN] + [#] [4]: If programmed, Custom Arming allows custom arming of the system and bypasses the
zone functions specified in data addresses 2725-2728.
• Maximum Security Arming = [PIN] + [No Entry] + [On]: If programmed, Maximum Security Arming arms the entire system
and does not allow entry delays for entry/exit zones.
Normal Arming Custom Arming Perimeter Instant Arming Perimeter Arming Maximum Security Arming Closing Ring Back Siren on Communication Fail Restore Swinger Shunts