4 © 2012 Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
Figure 2.1: Coverage Pattern
Optical module
Interface connector
Cover twist tabs (4)
Test lead
Enclosure release openings (2)
locking screw
holes (2)
Enclosure release tabs
Figure 2.2: Opening cover
Slightly rock the enclosure side-to-side during removal to overcome the
friction caused by the base-to-enclosure terminal pins.
1. Remove the base from the enclosure by pressing the two enclosure re-
lease tabs inward while lifting the enclosure away from the base. Refer
to Figure 2.2.
9 m
8 m
6 m
4 m
2 m
0 m
2 m
4 m
6 m
8 m
9 m 30 ft
26 ft
20 ft
13 ft
7 ft
0 ft
7 ft
13 ft
20 ft
26 ft
30 ft
30 ft
26 ft 20 ft 13 ft 7 ft 0 ft 7 ft 13 ft 20 ft 26 ft
30 ft
≤5.5 m
≥4.0 m
4.6 m
0 m
≤4.0 m
3.0 m
≥2.4 m
0 m
9 m
8 m6 m4 m2 m0 m2 m4 m6 m8 m
9 m
0 ft
≥8 ft
10 ft
≤13 ft
0 ft
≥13 ft
15 ft
≤18 ft
2. Open the cover by turning counterclockwise.
3. Route wiring as necessary to the rear of the base and through the cen-
ter hole. Refer to Figure 2.3.
2 Mounting
Select a location likely to intercept an intruder moving beneath and across
the coverage pattern. Refer to Figure 2.1. Recommended mounting height
range is 8 to 18 feet (2.4 to 5.5 m).
The surface should be solid and vibration-free. (i.e. Drop tiles should be
secured if the area above the tiles is used as an air return for HVAC sys-
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6.2 False Alarm Prevention
Turn on all heating and cooling sources that would normally be in opera-
tion during times of protection. Stand away from the unit and outside the
coverage pattern, then monitor the background noise for at least three
Readings should not deviate from the reference level more than ±0.15
VDC. For readings outside these limits; eliminate the cause, rotate the unit
slightly, or mask out the mirror segment(s) looking down at the thermal
6.3 Coverage Margin
Again walk across the farthest edge of required coverage.
A minimum voltage change of 1.0 VDC from the reference level is required
in the wintertime when the background temperature is cool. This will make
up for summertime, when the background is warmer. If testing the unit in
the summertime, the minimum recommended voltage change is 0.75 VDC.
When testing is completed, remove the TC6000 Test Cord, and twist-lock
the cover into place.
6.4 Supervision Feature
The DS938Z performs several supervision features that, combined with
the advanced motion detection capabilities of the detector, provide an ex-
tremely high level of security. A supervision trouble condition is indicated
at the detector by the Alarm/Test LED (see the Supervision Display Chart).
• The LED indicates the cause of the supervision trouble using coded
pulses. The supervision trouble signal activates the Trouble Output
available at terminal 8, which should be connected to a 24-hour zone.
The supervision features function as follows:
ON Unit alarm
2 Flashes Motion monitor time out
4 Flashes PIR self-test failure
PIR: The operation of the PIR is electronically checked approximately ev-
ery 12 hours. If the PIR fails, the Alarm/Test LED will fl ash four times and
the Trouble Output will activate.
Motion Monitor Supervision: This feature verifi es that the detector has a
clear view of the detection area and has not been blocked. When selected
using switches S4 and S5, a supervision timer is activated. A trouble con-
dition will be indicated if the detector has not alarmed at least once during
the selected time period (this feature can be disabled by placing both
switches in the Off position). The time period selected should be long
enough to allow adequate time for holiday weekends.
Refer to Section 4.0 Feature Selection for proper switch settings.