48 en | Encoder Settings Camera Browser Interface
AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems
9.2 Encoder Streams
9.2.1 H.264 settings
Select H.264 Settings
1. Select the codec algorithm Property for stream 1 from the
drop-down box.
2. Select a codec algorithm Property for stream 2.
3. Select the Non-recording profile for each stream from the
eight profiles that have been defined.
– This profile is not used for recording. When a stream
is used for recording, the profile selected on the
Recording Profiles page is used.
Preview >>
Previews of streams 1 and 2 can be shown.
1. Click Preview >> to display a preview of the video for
streams 1 and 2. the current profile is shown above the
2. Click 1:1 Live View below a preview to open a viewing
window for that stream. Various additional items of
information are shown across the top of the window.
3. Click Preview << to close the preview displays.
Deactivate the display of the video images if the performance of
the computer is adversely affected by the decoding of the data