An overview of the procedure for using the DCN Automatic Camera Control
software with a DCN system is given below.
Systems using DCN Control PC
The DCN Automatic Camera Control software is installed on the DCN con-
trol PC. The control PC is connected to the CCU, which in turn is connected
to delegates’ contribution units. The CCU is also connected to a single
AutoDome camera or an Allegiant video switcher, which in turn is connected to
the cameras and monitors in the system. After connecting the system, the DCN
Automatic Camera Control software is used to configure the cameras. The con-
trol PC remains connected to the CCU while the system is being used.
Stand-alone systems
In stand-alone systems, a temporary PC connection to the CCU and
AutoDome camera or Allegiant video switcher is needed during camera installa-
tion. The numbers assigned to the contribution units during DCN system ini-
tialisation are coupled to camera positions. After configuration is complete, the
PC is disconnected from the system, and a direct connection from the CCU to
the AutoDome camera or the Allegiant video switcher is made. Operational
camera control by the CCU is enabled during installation. To disable opera-
tional camera control, it is necessary to re-connect the installation PC and open
the Camera Installation file.
NOTE: For details on connections refer to the section DCN Camera Control
of the Installation and Operating Manual.
DCN Automatic Camera Control Digital Congress Network
Software User Manual Page 1-4