DCN Next Generation System Startup en | 5
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 January | 9922 141 70512
• Table-top Discussion Units, with:
− Channel selector
− Voting keys
• Table-top Chairman Discussion Units, with:
− Channel selector
− Voting keys
1.3.3 Simultaneous interpretation equipment
• Interpreter Desks with graphical LCD Display,
− Interpreter’s Headset/Headphone
• Language Distribution Systems, with:
− Flush-mounting Channel Selector Panel
− Headphones
1.3.4 Central control equipment
• Central Control Units
• Optional Control equipment:
− Extension Power Supply Unit
− Audio Expander
− Data Distribution Board
− Personal Computer
− Printer
− ID Card Encoder
1.3.5 Information displays
• Hall Displays, available as:
− Numeric, Alphanumeric and Individual
Voting Results
• Video displays, available as:
− Rear Projectors, Front Projectors and
Personal Displays
1.3.6 Installation equipment
• A full range of accessories for installation,
− Cable assemblies, Tap-off units and Trunk
Splitters, Optical fibers, Optical network
splitters and fiber interfaces.
1.4 Displaying text
It is possible to display text in languages such as
Chinese using graphic characters on units equipped
with a graphic display. Messages using these graphic
characters can also be prepared using the Message
Distribution software, and names composed of these
graphic characters can be entered in the Delegate
Database software. It is not possible to display such
characters on alphanumeric LED displays using the
Text/Status Display software. However, they can be
shown on video displays using the Video Display
The Allegiant Video Switcher used with the Camera
Control software cannot display graphic characters in
the video pictures it generates on monitors.
i Note
Most languages that use non-European or non-
US characters have to have special font sets
downloaded using the System Installation
1.5 The application software
The Bosch DCN Next Generation application
software range comprises a number of software
modules that run in Windows. They integrate
conference preparation, management and control
into this versatile graphical computer environment.
The modules can be loaded according to specific user
i Note
Although not all application modules have to be
loaded, the Startup and System Installation
software are essential for all applications.
i Note
The asterix (*) shown at the end of the user
manual numbers, refers to a number, which
changes each time the manual is updated.
The application software modules are:
Startup Screen (LBB 4190) - for providing the
opening screen and selection window from which all
other applications software modules are opened and
started. Applications are represented as icons. Some
global settings and master controls are also part of
this application.
• Covered in this manual.
Microphone Management (LBB 4170) - for
configuring and controlling delegate microphones
connected to the system. Full on-screen microphone
control is provided.
• Refer to user manual no. 9922 141 7034*.