The Bosch mounting system has been designed so
that, if necessary, the installation can be done from
beneath the ceiling. In some cases with a suspended
ceiling grid, however, it may be easier to access from
both the top and bottom of the ceiling tile during the
installation process. Typical installation hardware
needed for either suspended ceilings or sheetrock ceil-
ings is included. The ceiling speaker assembly is held
in place by mounting tabs that securely grip the ceil-
ing material. Input wiring is attached to a removable
terminal block connector that can be pre-wired if nec-
essary before speaker installation to speed up the
installation process.
Step 1: Cut the Hole (Figure 4)
For suspended tile or sheetrock ceilings, cut out the
hole either by tracing the cardboard template or
with a circular cutter set to the appropriate cutout
size. If the wire has been pre-installed, pull the
wiring through the cutout hole.
Figure 4: Cut ceiling hole
Step 2: Install C-Ring and/or Tile
Rails (Figure 5)
All Bosch speakers come packaged with two types of
backing hardware: a C-ring and two tile rails.
For suspended ceiling installations, insert the
C-ring through the hole cut in the ceiling tile. Place
the C-ring around the hole with the tabs located as
shown in Figure 5. Insert the tile rails through the
cut hole in the ceiling tile. Snap the two rails into
the two tabs in the C-ring and align the rails so that
the ends extend OVER the T-channel grid on the
side of the tile. Secure the rails onto the C-ring tabs
by inserting a screw though each tab into the rail, as
shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Secure rails to C-Ring
Bosch Security Systems | 2008-05 4
Installation and Wiring