MIC-WKTI and MIC-WKT-IR Installation Manual EN | 9
Bosch Security Systems Issue 1
Installation of the 705-200 Washer Pump Drive Card
Installation of the 705-200 Washer Pump Drive Card is best performed prior to
installing the Power Supply in the field. To install the 705-200 Washer Pump
Drive Card, please do the following:-
1. The power supply unit must be switched off and unplugged prior to
carrying out any work.
2. Ensure that the four (4) card spacer supports fitted in the power supply are
positioned in the left and right most mounting holes on the power supply
printed circuit board, so that the MIC-WSH card is supported in each
3. Should you need to reposition the card spacers first remove the four (4)
screws holding the power supply PCB to the enclosure, turn the PCB over
and remove the two (2) card spacer supports, these spacers should be re-
fixed at the correct positions shown as A and B on Figure 1 below.
4. Insert the 705-200 Washer Pump Drive Card so that the connector
labelled CN1 as shown on Figure 2 below plugs into the CN1 header on
the Power Supply labelled C on Figure 1. Then fix to the card spacer
supports using M3x6 screws.
5. The 705-200 Washer Pump Drive Card is now ready to accept third party
washer pump electrical connections. Please see Installation of the
Washer Pump for more details.
Figure 1:- MIC400 Non-IR Power Supply PCB Layout
A. Right hand - Add on
card support spacers &
B. Centre – Add on
card support spacers &
C. Connection
Header CN1
Figure 2:- 705-200 Washer Pump Drive Card PCB Layout
CAUTION: Electrical Danger: Ensure all power is disconnected
before opening or working upon the MIC400 Power Supply Unit.
Installation must be carried out by suitably qualified persons &
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