64 en | Encoder Settings Camera Browser Interface
AM18-Q0635 | v5.6 | 2013.01 Software manual Bosch Security Systems
9.2 Encoder Streams
9.2.1 H.264 settings
Select H.264 Settings
1. Select a codec algorithm Property for stream 1 from the
drop-down box.
2. Select a codec algorithm Property for stream 2 (the
available choices depend on the algorithm selected for
stream 1).
3. Select the Non-recording profile for each stream from the
eight profiles that have been defined.
– This profile is not used for recording. When a stream
is used for recording, the profile selected on the
Recording Profiles page is used.
Preview >>
Previews of streams 1 and 2 can be shown.
1. Click Preview >> to display a preview of the video for
streams 1 and 2. the current profile is shown above the
2. Click 1:1 Live View below a preview to open a viewing
window for that stream. Various additional items of
information are shown across the top of the window.
3. Click Preview << to close the preview displays.
Deactivate the display of the video images if the performance of
the computer is adversely affected by the decoding of the data
Regions of Interest (ROI)
If you select an ROI property for stream 2, you can set up a
region of interest on the Livepage.