
User’s Manual
- 71/77 -
Revision 1.6TTCAN
The general configuration of the three nodes is identical, there are differences in the Operation
Mode, the TT Matrix Limits, the Message RAM, and the Trigger Memory. Note that the CPU
has to wait after each write access to the IF1 Command Request Register for the requested
transfer to be completed (check of Busy bit).
Ad Register Remark M0 M1 S0
1 00 CAN Control enable configuration 0041
2 02 CAN Status read register to check reason for (re-?)configuration
3 02 CAN Status clear LEC 0007
4 06 Bit Timing bit time = 10 tq = 1 µs 1640
5 0C BRP Extension 1 tq=clock period = 100 ns 0000
6 28 TT Operation Mode configuration mode 0001
7 66 TT Clock Control disable clock functions 0000
8 2A TT Matrix Limits1 Tx_Triggers in Matrix Cycle 0009 000A 000B
9 2C TT Matrix Limits2 RDLC & TEW & CCM 4703
10 2E TT Application Watchdog Limit limit=0xFF00NTU =65ms 00FF
11 30 TT Interrupt Enable enable error interrupts F000
12 32 TT Interrupt Vector clear all interrupts 0000
13 56 TUR-NumeratorCfg
0x1FFFE clock periods =
0x3333 NTU; NTU = 1 µs
14 58 TUR-DenominatorCfg 3333
15 6C TT Time Mark generate TMI at Time Mark 0100 0200 0300
16 6E TT Gap Control disable gap functions 0000
17 12 IF1 Command Mask write Mask, Arb, Control, Data 00F3
18 14 IF1 Mask1
3 LSB of 11-bit Reference Mes-
sage identifier masked
19 16 IF1 Mask2 9FE3 DFE3
20 18 IF1 Arbitration1
MsgVal, 11-bit id, Dir=Tx/Rx,
Ref_Msg identifier=0F0
21 1A IF1 Arbitration2 A3C0 83C0
22 1C IF1 Message Control NewDat, UMask, EoB, DLC=4 9084
23 1E IF1 Message Data A1
some bytes for initialisation
24 20 IF1 Message Data A2 B055
25 22 IF1 Message Data B1 FEED
26 24 IF1 Message Data B2 CAFE
27 10 IF1 Command Request Ref_Msg in message object 1 0001
28 16 IF1 Mask2 all bits must match FFFF
29 1A IF1 Arbitration2 MsgVal, Dir=Tx, xx_Msg2 id AC08 AC48 AC88
30 1C IF1 Message Control NewDat, EoB, DLC=8 8088
31 10 IF1 Command Request xx_Msg2 in message object 2 0002
32 1A IF1 Arbitration2 MsgVal, Dir=Tx, xx_Msg3 id AC0C AC4C AC8C
33 10 IF1 Command Request xx_Msg3 in message object 3 0003
34 1A IF1 Arbitration2 MsgVal, Dir=Tx, M1_Msg4 id 0000 AC50 0000
35 10 IF1 Command Request M1_Msg4 in message object 4 0004
36 1A IF1 Arbitration2 not valid, Dir=Tx, dummy id 4FFF