
10 en | VG4 Firmware Updates via a TCP/IP Network AutoDome Modular Camera System
F.01U.097.269 | 1.06 | 2011.09 Firmware Update Manual Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
5. Click OK to the warning message to continue the firmware upload, or Cancel to stop the
Figure 1.7 Warning message
The page displays a progress bar as the firmware is uploaded.
Figure 1.8 Upload progress bar
Note: Once the progress bar reaches 100% the system opens the reset page. Allow the
reset page to complete its action.
Figure 1.9 System Reset
6. Once the reset is complete, the following occurs depending on the firmware upgrade:
If only upgrading the IP Communications module firmware, the upgrade is complete.
If upgrading the AutoDome SCBoot firmware, after the AutoDome reinitializes and
returns to the firmware upload mode, you will be prompted to upload the SCMain
files (system configuration files) to complete the firmware update.
Note: To continue to upgrade the SCMain configuration files, follow steps 2 through 5
above to select and upload the files to the AutoDome.
CAUTION! Updating the firmware erases all device settings. To save these settings, click the
Configuration download button to save the current device settings and then upload this file
after the completion of the firmware update.
CAUTION! Do not perform any action, click any object in, or minimize the Internet Explorer
browser window during the firmware upload.