120 en | Troubleshooting Guide VG4 Modular Camera System
F.01U.133.268 | 6.0 | 2010.03 User’s Manual Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
11.2 VG4 IP AutoDome Video and Control
Inside of
EnviroDome bubble
is foggy
– Check the status of the Heater Module (ON-66-ENTER).
If status reports Heater No Power, then:
– Turn off the power to the AutDome.
– Check the FX103 fuse in the Power Supply Box for power (24 V) to the heater module.
If O.K., then:
– Check all wiring and connector pins to the heater module.
Low Voltage flashing
on monitor display
– If using a non-Bosch power supply, confirm that it meets the Bosch AutoDome power
ratings. See the AutoDome Datasheet for specifications.
If O.K., then:
– Check the mains input line voltage.
If O.K., then:
– Check that the maximum wire length from the power supply has not been exceeded.
See the AutoDome Modular Camera System Installation Manual.
If O.K., then:
– Measure the AC voltage input to the camera while power is applied to the camera. The
voltage must be ≥ 21 VAC to stop the message.
Problem Solution
No Network
– Check all network connections
– Ensure that the maximum distance between any two Ethernet connections is 100
m (328 ft) or less.
Refer to the AutoDome Modular Camera System Installation Manual for more infor-
If O.K., then:
– If you are behind a firewall, ensure that the Video Transmission mode is set to UDP.
a. Access the Settings Web page for the IP-enabled device.
b. Expand the Service Settings link, then click Network.
c. Select UDP from the Video Transmission drop-down list. Then click Set.