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5.0 System Setup
For Page Vol Lvl
For Page Bass Adj
and Page Treb Adj
Adjust the value to +/-6 dB
in increments of .5 dB.
For Page Enable
Choose N (no) or Y (yes).
For Page Ducking Lvl Adj
Adjust the value from
-50 dB to 0 dB in increments
of 1 dB.
For Output Lvl Adj
Adjust the value to +/-20 dB
in increments of 1 dB.
For Page Trig Mode. Choose
PTT or Auto.
Note: In Page Trig Mode, the page
output can be triggered by pushing
the button on a push-to-talk-style
microphone (PTT), or triggers
automatically when a signal is
detected at the Page input (Auto).
Stereo Select EQ Set-up
Stereo Select Page In Set-up
For Dynamic EQ Enable
Choose N (no) or Y (yes).
Note: Dynamic EQ maintains tonal balance at
all listening levels. The equalization adjusts
automatically for the output level setting.
For Spkr EQ
Move up or down
to choose the EQ setting needed.
An asterisk (*) marks the selection made
5.0 Setup.fm Page 24 Monday, February 12, 2007 8:54 AM