Alarm Clock Features
The Horizon Duo has two independent alarm settings. Each can have its own type of alarm —wake to tone,
wake to music or both. Both types of alarms start at a low volume level that gently increases.
Setting the Alarm Time
The alarm time can be set when the Duo is turned on or o .
Press and hold the ALARM 1 or ALARM 2 button for one
second. The alarm time and the or icon will
Turn the MODE control to adjust the alarm time.
Press the MODE control to set the alarm time.
In this example Alarm 2 is set to 7:15 AM.
Note: The alarm time can also be set by using the MODE control
to highlight the or icon. Then press the MODE
control and follow steps 2 and 3 above.
Setting an Alarm
If you plan to use the wake to music function, note that the last
source and volume level
settings will be used for this alarm.
Press the ALARM 1 or ALARM 2 buttons one or more times to
turn on the alarm and set the alarm type. One press selects
wake to music . A second press selects wake to tone . A
third press selects both. Press the button a fourth time to
cancel the alarm.
This example shows how the display might look after the Duo is turned
off . The current time is displayed and the icons show Alarm 1 is on set for
wake to music and tone and Alarm 2 is on set to tone only.
How the Alarms Work
When an alarm is triggered the icon for the alarm starts ashing.
If you selected wake to tone, the alarm tone starts sounding,
quietly at rst then with increasing volume.
If you selected wake to music with a radio, the station you last tuned to is played at a gradually increasing
If you selected wake to music and tone, the radio station you selected begins playing at a gradually
increasing volume. If you do not turn o the music source alarm after ve minutes the music stops playing
and the alarms tone begins to sound at a gradually increasing volume.
To turn o the alarm press the POWER/VOLUME control.