Page 52
Note: The technical information
provided on pages 52-55 of this
manual is service related. If you
are having an electrical tie-down,
power seat or other auxiliary
electrical device installed in your
Entervan, this information should
be supplied to the technician.
Otherwise, disregard this section.
Auxiliary Power Supply: Do not
connect auxiliary devices directly
to the vehicle battery. Doing so
may result in damage to electri-
cal system and/or electronic
Two fuse blocks are provided
as an auxiliary power source for
dealer-installed auxiliary electri-
cal device(s). Fuse block details
and specifications are provided
on page 53. The fuse blocks are
located in the bottom of the center
dash console.
Below Floor Obstructions:
When installing aftermarket equip-
ment in an Entervan, obstructions
below the floor must be avoided.
Obstructions include wiring, fuel
system, brake lines, etc. Installers
must be aware of these obstruc-
Do not connect
auxiliary devices to
vehicle battery. Doing
so may result in dam-
age to electrical sys-
tem and/or electronic
Risk of electrical fire!
Install and electrically
terminate auxiliary
electrical device as
specified by device
Refer to the illustration on page 55
to avoid contacting or damaging
vital components under the floor.