Problem Possible reason Remedy
Unpleasant smell
from the shaver head.
1. Shaver head is cleaned with
2. Cleaning cartridge is in use
for more than 8 weeks.
1. When cleaning the shaver head with water only
use hot water and from time to time some liquid
soap (without abrasive substances). Remove foil
& cutter cassette to let it dry.
2. Change cleaning cartridge at least every
8 weeks.
Battery performance
dropped significantly.
1. Shaver head is regularly
cleaned with water but not
2. Foil and cutter are worn
which requires more power
for each shave.
1. If the shaver is regularly cleaned with water, apply
a drop of light machine oil on top of the foil once
a week for lubrication.
2. Replace foil & cutter cassette.
Shaving performance
dropped significantly.
1. Shaving system is clogged.
2. Foil and cutter are worn.
1. Soak the foil & cutter cassette in hot water with
a drop of liquid dish soap. Afterwards rinse it
properly and tap it out. Once dry apply a drop of
light machine oil on the foil.
2. Replace foil & cutter cassette.
Cooling element is
1. Shaver was used with
cooling function a couple of
minutes before.
2. Battery capacity is too low
for the cooling function.
1. You can use the shaver like this or turn on the
cooling function and wait a few seconds until it is
activated again.
2. Charge the shaver after each shave to ensure
sufficient battery capacity for the cooling
Shaver head is damp. 1. Drying time after automatic
cleaning was not sufficient.
2. Drain of the Clean&Charge
station is clogged.
1. Clean directly after shaving to allow enough time
for drying.
2. Clean the drain with a wooden toothpick.
Cleaning does not
start when pressing
the start button.
1. Shaver is not placed properly
in the Clean&Charge station.
2. Cleaning cartridge does not
contain enough cleaning
fluid (display lights red).
3. Appliance is in stand-by
1. Insert shaver into the Clean&Charge station
(contacts of the shaver need to align with
contacts in the station).
2. Insert new cleaning cartridge.
3. Press start button twice.
consumption of
cleaning fluid.
Drain of the Clean&Charge
station is clogged.
– Clean the drain with a wooden toothpick.
– Regularly wipe the tub clean.
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