Routine Cleaning of NOVATION Condenser Coil
Surfa ces
To clean the NOVATION condenser coil, chemicals are
NOT to be used; only water is approved as the cleaning
solution. Only clean potable water is authorized for
cleaning NOVATION condensers. Carefully remove any
foreign objects or debris attached to the coil face or
trapped within the mounting frame and brackets. Using a
high pressure water sprayer, purge any soap or industrial
cleaners from hose and/or dilution tank prior to wetting
the coil.
Clea n condenser face by spraying the coil core steadily
and uniformly from top to bottom, directing the spray
straight into or toward the coil face. Do not exceed 900
psig or a 45 degree angle; nozzle must be at least 12 in.
(30 cm) from the coil face. Reduce pressure and use
caution to prevent damage to air centers (fins). Do not
fracture the braze between air centers and refrigerant
tubes. Allow water to drain from the coil core and check
for refrigerant leaks prior to start--up.
NOTE: Please see the NOVATION Condenser Service
section for specific information on the coil.
Failure to follow this caution may result in personal
injury or equipment damage.
Chemical cleaning should NOT be used on the
aluminum NOVATION condenser. Damage to the coil
may occur. Only approved cleaning is recommended.
Routine Cleaning of Evaporator Coil Surfaces
Monthly cleaning with Totaline® environme ntally sound
coil cleaner is essential to extend the life of coils. This
cleaner is available from Bryant Replacement parts
division as part number P902--0301 for one gallon
conta iner, and part number P902--0305 for a 5 gallon
container. It is re commended that all round tube coil
cle aner as described below. Coil cleaning should be part
of the unit’s regularly scheduled maintenance procedures
to ensure long life of the coil. Failure to clean the coils
may result in reduced durability in the environment.
Avoid the use of
S coil brighteners
S acid cleaning prior to painting
S high pressure washers
S poor quality water for cleaning
Totaline environmental ly sound coil cle aner is
non--flammable, hypoallergenic, non --bacterial, and a
USDA accepted biodegradable agent that will not harm
coil or surrounding components such as electrical wiring,
painted metal surfaces, or insulation. Use of
non--recommended coil cleaners is strongly discouraged
since coil and unit durability could be affected.
Totaline Environmentally Sound Coil Cleaner Application
S 2-1/2 gallon garden sprayer
S water rinse with low velocity spray nozzle
Failure to follow this caution may result in corrosion
and damage to the unit.
Harsh chemicals, household bleach or acid or basic
cle aners should not be used to clean outdoor or indoor
coils of any kind. These cleaners can be very difficult
to rinse out of the coil and can accelerate corrosion at
the fin/tube interface where dissimilar materials are in
contact. If there is dirt below the surface of the coil,
use the Totaline environmentally sound coil cleaner as
described above.
Failure to follow this caution may result in reduced
unit performance.
High velocity water from a pressure washer, garden
hose, or compressed air should never be used to clean
a coil. The force of the water or air jet will bend the
fin edges and increase airside pressure drop.
Totaline Environmentally Sound Coil Cleaner application
Instructio ns
1. Proper eye protection such as safety glasses is recom-
mended during mixing and application.
2. Remove all surface loaded fibers and dirt with a vacu-
um cleaner as described above.
3. Thoroughly wet finned surfaces with clean water and
a l ow velocity garden hose, being careful not to bend
4. Mix Totaline environmentally sound coil cleaner in a
2 1/2 gallon garden spryer according to the instruc-
tions included with the cleaner. The optimum solution
temperature is 100°F(38°C).
NOTE: Do NOT USE water in excess of 130°F(54°C),
as the enzymatic activity will be destroyed.
5. Thoroughly appl y Totaline® environmentally sound
coil cleaner solution to all coil surfaces including
finned area, tube sheets and coil headers.
6. Hold garden sprayer nozzle close to finned areas and
apply cleaner with a vertical, up--and--down motion.
Avoid spraying in horizontal pattern to minimize po-
tential for fin damage.
7. Ensure cleaner thoroughly penetrates deep into finned
8. Interior and exterior finned areas must be thoroughly