441 06 1003 02 (10/2001)
Installation Procedures
1. Remove line power from both appliances before starting
installation of the twinning kit.
2. Locate the Z1 and Z2 or C to C and H to H connections
along one edge of each control (see Figure 1 and
Figure 2). The designations are printed on top of the circuit
board, and a black bar shows the correct orientation of the
metal body which will be pushed in to make connection.
3. Remove furnace casing hole plugs and route the twinning
leads through bushingsprovided as required, andlengthen
if necessary by splicing. Be sure to observe the polarity
required so as to match Z1 to Z1 and Z2 to Z2 or C to C and
HtoH(seeFigure 3).
4. Push the terminal into the slot on the circuit board edge. Be
sure to align the body with the black bar to lineup the solder
finger below the circuit board (see Figure 1). The terminal
will “bite into” the solder and make the necessary
connection. Repeat for each end of both wires.
5. Locate and mount the isolation relay in the circulating
blower compartment on the same panel as the electronic
fan control in furnace #1 (see Figure 1 and Figure 2).
6. Refer to single stage or two stage thermostat wiring as
noted below.
Single Stage Thermostat Operation
Reference Figure 6 and Figure 7
1. Interconnect the thermostat wiring in parallel from the
thermostatto theterminal blockson eachfan control,for the
“G” and “Y” connections only. Interconnect the wiring from
the “C” connections at the terminal blocks on each fan
control. Note: The “Y” connection is not required if air
conditioning is not available.
2. Connect wire from “W” connection at the thermostat to the
“W” connection of the electronic fan control of furnace #1.
3. Connect wire from “R” connection at the thermostat to the
“R” connection of the electronic fan control of furnace #1.
4. Connect wire from the “W” connection of the electronic fan
control of furnace #1 to one side of the 24Vac coil of the
isolation relay (terminal #3). (Wire terminals for connection
to the isolation relay are provided in the kit)
5. Connect wire from the “C” connection of the electronic fan
control of furnace #1 to the otherside of the24Vac coilof the
isolation relay (terminal #1).
6. Connect one wire to each of the normally open terminals of
the isolation relay (terminals #2 and #4) and connect to the
“R” and “W” connections at the electronic fan control of
furnace #2.
7. Set the heat delay off timings on each control to the same
8. Set thermostat anticipator setting at 0.90.
9. Recheck wiring c onnections, splices, and insulation.
Re--apply line power to both appliances.
Two Stage Thermostat Operation
Reference Figure 6 and Figure 7
1. Interconnect the thermostat wiring in parallel from the
thermostatto theterminal blockson eachfan control,for the
“G” and “Y” connections only. Interconnect the wiring from
the “C” connections at the terminal blocks on each fan
control. Note: The “Y” connection is not required if air
conditioning is not available.
2. Connect wire from “W1” of the thermostat to the “W”
connection of the electronic fan control of furnace #1.
3. Connect wire from “W2” of the thermostat to one side of the
24Vac coil of the isolation relay (terminal #3). (Wire
terminals for connection to the isolation relay are provided
in the kit)
4. Connect wire from “R” connection at the thermostat to the
“R” connection of the electronic fan control of furnace #1.
5. Connect wire from the “C” connection of the electronic fan
control of furnace #1 to the otherside of the24Vac coilof the
isolation relay (terminal #1).
6. Connect one wire to each of the normally open terminals of
the isolation relay (terminal #2 and #4) and connect to the
“R” and “W” connections at the electronic fan control of
furnace #2.
7. Set the heat delay off timings on each control to the same
8. Set thermostat anticipator setting at 0.75 for the 1st stage
and 0.15 for the 2nd stage.
9. Recheck wiring c onnections, splices, and insulation.
Re--apply line power to both appliances.
Twinning Kit Operation
1. Turn the heat/cool switching at the thermostat to “OFF”, or
set so neither a call for heating nor cooling is being made.
2. Turn the fan switch to “ON” from“AUTO”, orjumper from “R”
to “G” at “furnace 1”. Within severalseconds, the circulation
blowers of each furnace will start at the same speed
connected to their respective “heat” speed taps.
3. Turn the fan switch to “OFF” from “AUTO” or remove the
jumper from “R” to “G”. Both circulation blowers will stop
after several seconds.
4. Disconnect one wire from the high limit connection on
“furnace 1”. Withinseveral seconds, the circulationblowers
of each furnace will start at the same speed connected to
their respective “heat” speed taps.
5. Re--connect the wire removed from the high limit
connection on “furnace 1”. After the completion of the
heating “blower off” delay, both blowers will stop.
6. Repeat steps (4) and (5) with the limit connection in
“furnace 2” versus :furnace 1². The same operation should
7. Operate the system through a normal call for heat, burner
on operation, and burner off operation. Each furnace
should fire and cycle both blowers, including blower on and
off delays, as in a normal single system.
8. Operate the system through a normal c all for cooling. The
compressor operation s hould function normally, with each
furnace circulation blower operating at the speeds
connected to their respective “cool” speed taps after
cooling “blower on” delay. When the call for cooling ends,
the circulation blowers will stop upon the completion of the
“cooling off” delay.