
4-30 Bridge Statistics
from the Chassis View window:
1. Click on the appropriate port index to access the Port menu.
2. Drag down to select Dot5 Errors…. The device port Dot5 Errors Statistics
window, Figure 4-8, will appear.
Figure 4-8. Dot5 Errors Statistics Window
Each type of IETF 802.5 error detected by the selected station port is described in
detail below.
Line Errors
The Line Errors Þeld displays the number of the line errors detected by the
selected port. This error indicates a nondata bit between the starting and ending
delimiters of data or a frame check sequence (FCS) error.
Burst Errors
The Burst Errors Þeld displays the number of burst errors detected by the selected
port. This error indicates a bit information encoding error when there are no
transitions between 0 and 1 over Þve half-bit times.