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Multimedia | Media Players
The variable speed playback on the 2396 & 2455 is critical for language learning
Media Players
Built to withstand the rigors of the classroom, this rugged player/
recorder is ideal for music and movement activities as well as
story time, foreign language instruction, and audio books.
Teachers appreciate its exibility in learning centers where
it can be used for independent study or with small
groups. It is an essential part of many ELL and ESL
classes with its multiple formats — AM/FM, cassette,
and CD options. The tough ABS plastic exterior is
so strong that the Spirit can be used for up to
40 students inside or outside without any concern.
17 76 $108
1776 & 2455
Learning Centers on page 31
Performer Plus
If you can only buy one media player, this is the one. Classroom-
tested in thousands of schools, the Performer Plus is designed
with features classes need. Whether you are using it for
class projects, independent study or small group work,
the built-in mic, six headphone jacks, tamper-proof
speakers, and variable speed CD/cassette playback
are ideal for all types of classroom activities from
ELL/ELD to dance and creative movement classes
or school assemblies. Additional features include
remote control for freedom of movement around the
classroom; speakers that are powerful enough to reach
out to a crowd of 100 students; and a “voice-over” function
that makes it possible for announcements or emergency
instructions to be heard over whatever audio program is playing.
rear view with 5 built-in 1/4" headphone jacks
top view with variable speed playback & 3.5mm headphone jack
Personal CD Player
Students who read along silently while listening to a recording of a book can make
signicant gains in uency and comprehension from this single activity. This holds true for
struggling readers whose native language is English as well as non-native English speakers.
It can also be used to support comprehension, phonics, vocabulary, Special Ed, ELD, ELL
and other language learning applications. Students reap the benet of one-to-one
instruction in class and at home. Our sturdy CD player is designed for single or group
uses (with a jackbox) and includes an ambient noise-reducing 3060AVS headphone.
CD102 $52