Deck Up to 7/16" Thick
Deck Thicker Than 7/16"
Cannon Deck Plate
Low-Profile Swivel Base
Washers, Screws,
& Nuts
Decks thinner than 1/4"
Use a Cannon Deck Plate to prevent
deflection and add stability to decks thinner than
1/4". Use the deck plate as a template to mark the
hole locations.
If access to the underside of the deck is not
available, the deck plate can be mounted using
screws and wellnuts. Drill 1/2" holes. Use four
1/4”-20 x 2" flat head screws and four wellnuts to
mount deck plate as pictured. Tighten the screws
so the wellnuts are firmly compressed.
Where the underside is accessible, mount
the deck plate using screws, nuts, and washers.
Drill 9/32" holes. Use four 1/4”-20 x 2" flat head
screws, nuts and washers (flat and lock). Fasten
plate to deck as pictured. To secure the low-
profile base to the deckplate use four 1/4”-20 x 1
1/2" truss head screws.
NOTE: When using the telescopic boom, we strongly recommend the use of a deck plate on all
boats to provide adequate stability for the downrigger.
Low-Profile Swivel Base
To mount the Low-Profile Swivel Base,
follow the same procedure as for the deck plate
with this exception: use four 1/4"-20 x 1-1/2" truss
head screws to fasten the mounting base and four
additional 1/4"-20 x 2-1/2" truss head screws to
attach the swivel base to the boat deck.
Mounting the Downrigger on the
Slide the bottom of the frame over the lip of the
base, with the boom outboard or facing the stern.
Move the frame over the base until the latch clicks
into place. If properly seated, the frame should
completely cover the base.
CAUTION: If not fully seated, your downrigger can
be dislodged from the base.
Tip: Periodically check base to ensure integrity.
The base should be replaced at least every 5