
WARNING: Toe clip overlap could cause you to lose control of your bike.
Check your bicycle for toe clip overlap. If you have any questions, check
with your retailer before you ride.
If you have toe clip overlap, the toe clip may be able to contact the front tire
(or front fender) when the pedal and toe clip are all the way forward and the
front wheel is turned to a position where the toe clip can contact the tire.
Toe clip overlap is a situation where the toe clip may be able to con-
tact the front tire (or front fender) when the pedal and toe clip are all
the way forward and the front wheel is turned to a position where the
toe clip can contact the tire.
Toe clip overlap is common on small frame size bicycles. On all bicycles,
have the inside pedal up before beginning a turn. As you turn to the left,
the inside (left) pedal should be positioned at twelve o’clock. As you
turn to the right, the inside (right) pedal should be positioned at twelve
o’clock. Having the inside pedal up will preclude any toe clip-to-tire con-
tact and maximize cornering ground clearance.
If you ride with clipless pedals, clip your riding shoes into the pedals
and check for front tire clearance.
2000 owner's manual 10/27/99 10/27/99 11:16 AM Page 96