© 2001 Cannondale Corporation - All Rights Reserved
10. From Windows START button (lower left
corner of the computer screen) select the
Cannondale Diagnostic and Maintenance
program group and select Code Download.
An MS-DOS program window will open.
11. At the prompt type: D H002V04F
but do not
press ENTER yet. D means “download” and
H002v04f is the name of the new operating code
file that the program will transfer to the ECU in the
coming steps.
12. Have an assistant PRESS AND CONTINUE
TO HOLD the engine start button on the
13. As your assistant holds the engine start
button, press the ENTER key on your
computer - you will see live data transfer
information in the MS-DOS window.
14. When the transfer complete message
displays in the lower area of the program
window, your assistant can release the
engine start button.
Type Y and the MS-DOS window will
disappear and the Cannondale Diagnostic
Tool main menu should be visible again.
15. Click the SEND Calibration file (to ECU)
button. The new calibration file together with
the vehicle specific variables read from the
ECU before the operating code installation
will be installed into the ECU.
When the send complete window displays,
click OK.
16. Reconnect the starter solenoid. Make sure
the connector is latched properly.
17. Disconnect the data cable from the vehicle.
18. Reinstall removed components.
19. Test engine operation.
D H002V04