158 Authorized Send Installation and Configuration Guide for imageRUNNER Machines
Message Cause Remedy
Default value for ‘Subject’
field cannot be empty if
the field is disabled and
The [Subject] check box is
selected, the [Subject] text box
is blank, and the [Required]
check box is selected.
Perform any of the following:
• Clear the check mark from the
[Subject] check box.
• Enter a default value in the
[Subject] text box.
• Clear the check mark from the
[Required] check box.
Default value for ‘Subject’
field is too long. It cannot
exceed 255 characters.
The default value in the
[Subject] text box exceeds 255
Make sure the default value in the
[Subject] text box does not exceed
255 characters.
Default value for ‘Body’
field is too long. It cannot
exceed 255 characters.
The default value in the
[Body] text box exceeds 255
Make sure the default value in the
[Body] text box does not exceed
255 characters.
6.1.7 Scan to Fax Configuration Screen Error Messages
This section explains the Scan to Fax Configuration screen error messages, along
with possible causes and remedies. For more information on the remedies, see
“Configuring Scan to Fax Settings,” on p. 97.
Message Cause Remedy
Fax Recipient Template
cannot be empty.
The [Fax Recipient Template]
text box is blank.
Enter a fax recipient template.
Fax Recipient Template
must contain the ‘Fax
Number’ variable.
The value entered in the [Fax
Recipient Template] text box
does not contain the ‘Fax
Number’ variable
Add the variable
${FAXNUMBER} to the fax
recipient template.
6.1.8 Scan to Folder Configuration Screen Error Messages
This section explains the Scan to Folder Configuration screen error messages, along
with possible causes and remedies. For more information on the remedies, see
“Configuring Scan to Folder Settings,” on p. 100.
Message Cause Remedy
Connection Failed. Could
not connect to x:42
The connection to the WINS
server failed because
Authorized Send cannot
connect to the WINS server IP,
represented by x, and the
WINS server port 42.
Check the WINS server IP and try