● A023 Contact input change detection (err)
● A201 Registered panorama image failure (warning)
■ Audio Server Messages
● B001 Audio server start and stop (info)
● B011 Audio client start (info)
Message a %1 detected at In%2
%1 Contact input change (front-edge | rear-edge)
%2 Contact input terminal number (1-2)
Explanation Input change at the contact input terminal In1/In2 has been detected. “front-edge” means change
from Off to On, “rear-edge” means change from On to Off, “pulse” means change from Off to On to
Off, and “notch” means change from On to Off to On. “pulse” and “notch” indicate a short On/Off
(shorter than approximately 100 ms) detected during On/Off period.
Message %1 wvaudio
%1 starting | shutdown
Explanation The Audio Server has started or stopped.
Message [%1] %2 connected n=%3
%1 Client type (send | recv)
%2 Client host IP address
%3 Total number of clients
Explanation An audio client has been connected to the Audio Server.
Log Messages
Message corrupt panorama image %1
%1 File name of the panorama image (e.g., camera1.jpg)
Explanation A registered panorama image cannot be displayed.
Countermeasure Register a correct panorama image.
● B012 Audio client stop (info)
● B101 Abnormal request received (notice)
● B102 Client connection rejected (notice)
Message [%1] %2 closed [%3]
%1 Client type (send | recv)
%2 Client host IP address
%3 Disconnection type (active | passive | senderr)
Explanation An audio client has been disconnected from the Audio Server.
Message %1 unusual request [%2]
%1 Client host IP address
%2 Error type (400 | 404 | ...)
Explanation A request has been rejected due to a command error (400) or parameter error (404).
Message %1 request denied [%2]
%1 Client host IP address
%2 Rejection type (41 | 43 | ...)
Explanation A client connection request has been rejected due to an authentication error (41), resource shortage
(43), specification of an unsupported codec (45), specification of an unsupported stream (46),
restriction on the number of clients (49), operation mode (4a).
Countermeasure 41: Check the user name, password, or user list. 43: Reconnect or reboot the camera. 45 - 46: Use
supported client software. 49: Check the number of clients. 4a: Check that use of the Audio Server
is allowed.