Cannot connect to the network
(IP address conflict problem)
Cause The IP address that was set is already being used by another device.
Contact the system administrator of the network, and change the IP
address setting.
Cannot connect to the network
(LAN cable connection problem)
Cause The LAN cable is not connected properly.
Solution Check the connections of the LAN cable.
Cannot connect to the network
(device name conflict problem)
Cause The device name that was set is already being used by another device.
Contact the system administrator of the network, and change the device
name setting. When you install two or more ScanFront scanners, take
care to ensure duplicate device names are not set.
Cannot delete a folder
Cause Data has been saved to the folder.
Solution Contact the administrator of the shared folder.
Permission to change the shared folder has not been granted for the user
name and password that were entered.
Solution Contact the administrator of the shared folder.
Cannot scan from the Home
screen (certain users only)
Cause The administrator has set user function restrictions.
Solution Contact the administrator of the ScanFront.
Cannot log in
Uppercase and lowercase letters were not entered correctly.
(See p. 4-3 and p. 3-5.)
Enter the uppercase and lowercase letters for the user name and
password correctly.
Cannot browse shared folders
during address registration.
You are attempting to browse folders on a computer running Windows 7
or Windows Server 2008 R2.
Enter the full path of the shared folder manually.
Alternatively, enter the computer name and path up until the top-most
folder of that computer. (You can then press the [Browse] button and
specify the rest of the path in the screen that appears.)
Cannot send image files to
devices and folders on different
segments of the network.
A ScanFront Service Server does not exist on the network. (A
ScanFront Service Server has not been configured or is not running.)
Install ScanFront Service on a computer on the same network as the
scanner. If a ScanFront Service Server has been implemented, check the
necessary settings. In addition, you must start the ScanFront Service
Server before turning ON the ScanFront.