Customizing System Settings
Customizing Settings
The items displayed on this screen may vary according to the configuration of the
E-mail Address: Enter the e-mail address of the System Manager (64
characters maximum).
Comment (E-mail)
Enter a comment for the System Manager (32 characters
5. Specify the contact person information.
Contact Person: Enter the name of the contact person (32 characters
Phone: Enter the phone number of the contact person.
Comment (E-mail): Enter a comment for the contact person (64 characters
6. Specify the support information.
URL: Specify the URL for support. This information is displayed
on the main screen of the Remote UI.
7. Specify the MEAP Settings.
Use HTTP: Select [Use HTTP] to access the machine from a Web
browser and use MEAP functions.
After you change the MEAP Settings, restart the machine to
enable the changed settings.
8. Specify the Remote UI Settings.
Use SSL: Set when using SSL encrypted communication. The SSL
settings of the MEAP function are also changed.
After you change the SSL settings, restart the machine to
enable the changed settings.