Installing a Certificate File
Customizing Settings
If there is more than a 30 minute difference between the current time set in the
computer register by the Active Directory and the time set in the computer that you
use for login, an error occurs when you log in using SSO. To be able to log in using
SSO, it is necessary to match the current time on both the computers.
If Default Authentication is set, and an ID and password for the system manager in
the System Manager Settings (from the Additional Functions screen of the
machine) have been set, a dialog box requesting a user name and password
appears. Enter the system manager ID and password, and click [OK] to start the
Remote UI.
You must use the user login name (pre-Windows 2000) registered in Active
Directory in order to then enter a user name for SSO authentication.
You can use only alphanumeric characters, . (period), - (hyphen), or _ (underscore)
for a user name for SSO authentication. You can log in only if you use valid
You can select up to four trusted domain names in addition to the domain name the
machine belongs to for the DNS Domain Name.
Even if you install multiple login services, they cannot be used simultaneously. Only
the login screen for the set login service is displayed.
Click [Add. Func.] ➞ click [User Key and Certificate Settings].
If a user with administrator privileges has logged in, all of the registered user
keys and certificates are displayed.
If a general user has logged in, only their user key and certificate are diplayed.