S T E P 1
Shut off lamp time
This option turns off the scanner lamp, which is otherwise continually on while the
power is on, to save power if it remains idle for a specified length of time. It can be
set to any interval of 4 minutes between 4 and 56 minutes (the actual shut off time
may vary slightly from the specified interval). This setting is automatically set to 12
minutes when Plug-in Module CS-U is first installed.
Reset Default Settings
Returns the preference settings and all other settings to the factory default
settings. The tables list the major default settings.
Scan Mode 24bit Color
Magnification 100%
Unit Pixels
Basic Resolution(Platen) 72 dpi
Basic Resolution(Film) 600 dpi
Control Panel Position Center
Image Recommended
Unsharp Mask On
Descreen Off
Shut of Lamp Time 12minutes
Film Type Color Negative
Close Plug-in After Scan
This setting determines whether or not Plug-in Module CS-U closes automatically
after completion of the scanning job. After you install Plug-in Module CS-U, this
setting is set to off. To turn this feature on, open the [Preferences] menu and select
[Close plug-in after scan].
When a film adapter unit (FAU-S12/S13) is attached to the scanner, the [Film]
option in the pull-down menu can be selected. Select either [Platen] or [Film] to
make the respective scanning method effective, which is indicated by a check mark
in the pull-down menu.
• When switching between the [Platen] and [Film] options, the scanner has to
adjust the lamp output, which may require a few moments to take effect.
Click the up or down arrow in the
spinbox to increase or decrease the
number setting or enter a number
directly into the entry box