How to Use the Online Help
In the Online Help, all the functions of the driver software and information about options are
included. If you want to know descriptions of the functions and settings immediately when using the
driver software, make use of the Online Help.
How to display
the Help screen
(1) Select [File] -> [Print] from the menu
bar in the application.
(2) Select the printer in [Select Printer] or
[Name] in the [Print] dialog box.
(3) Click [Preferences] or [Properties].
(4) Click [Help].
Searching from
Click [Contents] in the Help screen, and
then double-click the desired title to
display the information.
Searching with
Click [Index] in the Help screen, and then
double-click the desired keyword from the
list to display the information.
To search for a desired keyword, enter the
keyword directly in the above text box.
The closest keyword is listed below.