Printer Management
Using a TCP/IP Network (Windows/UNIX)
Using an FTP Client
To manage printer functions with an FTP client, follow the procedure below. With
an FTP client, you can print files from the machine, and upgrade the firmware of the
printer’s network module.
Start up the MS-DOS prompt or the Command prompt.
If you are using UNIX, display the Console screen, and log on as a superuser.
Execute the following command.
ftp <machine’s IP address>
Enter “root” as the user name.
If a password has been set for the machine, enter the password. If no password
has been set, press [ENTER] on the keyboard without entering a password.
You can perform the following operations, and execute the following commands:
Use the Bindery mode for printing bindery files created with a Windows printer
You can log on using a user name other than “root” (blank, etc.). However, you can
only view the config file, but cannot overwrite it.
You cannot log on to the FTP Client as “Anonymous.”
Operation Command
Print a file put <file name to be printed>PRINTER
Reset the printer’s network module get reset
Acquire the current setting values get config
Acquire the default setting values get defaults
Set the printer to file values put <setting file> CONFIG
Upgrade the firmware put <firmware image file> FLASH