A simple and inexpensive tool for all levels of observers,
from naked eye viewers to users of highly sophisticated
telescopes. The Celestron Planisphere makes it easy to
locate stars for observing and is a great planet finder as
well. A map of the night sky, oriented by month and
day, rotates within a depiction of the 24 hours of the
day, to display exactly which stars and planets will be
visible at any given time. Ingeniously simple to use, yet
quite effective. Made of durable materials and coated for
added protection.
The Celestron Planisphere comes in three different
models, to match the latitude from which you’re
For 20° to 40° latitude [93720-30]
For 30° to 50° latitude [93720-40]
For 40° to 60° latitude [93720-50]
CD-ROM – #93700
Celestron and Software Bisque have teamed up to present
a comprehensive CD-ROM called The Sky
Level 1 – for
Celestron. A computerized sky map that features a 10,000
object database, 75 color images, horizontal projection,
custom sky chart printing, and zoom capability. A fun,
useful and educational product. PC format.
Sky Maps – #93722
Celestron Sky Maps are the ideal teaching guide for learning the night sky. You
wouldn’t set off on a road trip without a road map, and you don’t need to try to
navigate the night sky without a map either. Even if you already know your way
around the major constellations, these maps can help you locate all kinds of fascinat-
ing objects.
The front cover has a specially designed
luminous planisphere that rotates to
simulate the seasonal progression of
celestial objects through the sky. When the
planisphere is pre-exposed to light, star
positions glow brightly against a dark
background, mimicking actual constella-
tions. More than a thousand stars and deep-
sky objects are listed and charted. The
illustrated reference section provides basic
information and the visual characteristics of
various types of stars, nebulae and galaxies.
The maps measure 13
" x 11
" and are
printed on a heavyweight, moisture
resistant card stock. The pages have a special comb binding so they can lay flat or be
folded over.