AXIS 1610 User’s Manual Section 3: Installation
Remote Printer Port 1. The printer you defined above is now displayed in the printers
folder. Right-click the printer object and select Properties from
the menu.
2. Click the Details tab and click Add Port... to display the available
print server monitors.
3. Click Other, select AXIS CAPT Port and click OK.
4. Select TCP/IP as your choice of network printing protocol and
click OK.
5. Enter the IP address / host name of your print server. Click Add.
6. The port will be added to the list and highlighted. Click OK to
return to the printer ports dialog and click Close.
❏ Configure Port
If you have changed the IP address / host name of a print server
located on a different subnet you must enter the new IP address /
host name in the Configure AXIS CAPT Port dialog.
The Configure AXIS CAPT Port dialog shows the port name and
old IP address / host name of the print server. Enter the new IP
address / host name of the print server and click OK.