Scan Resolution
Output Resolution
Output Magnification
File Size
Lock Button (Unlocked)
Resolution Units
Output Magnification/
Scan Resolution
Output Size (Width)
Output Size (Height)
Size Units
Step 2 • Scanning
Changing the Scan Area Selection
You can adjust the scan area after it has been selected, as well as the output
magnification, scan resolution and other settings. You can also lock the file size
with the
[Lock] button at the top of the preview window.
• The lock button initially appears in the program window in the unlocked
• Clicking the unlocked [Lock] button changes it into the locked
state and
locks the file. Re-clicking the [Lock] button changes the button into the
state and unlocks the file.
Unlocked State
In the unlocked state, the scan area can freely be selected and changed. You can
also change the output magnification/scan resolution settings at the top of the
preview window and the scan resolution, output resolution and output
magnification settings in the settings display area.
• Selection Frame in the Preview Window
Positioning the mouse cursor over the selection frame will transform it into one of
the arrow shapes shown here:
, , . Clicking and dragging the selection frame
in the direction of the arrow allows you to enlarge or contract it. The aspect ratio,
the ratio of the height to width, can also be altered.
Moving the mouse inside the frame transforms it into a multidirectional arrow
indicating that the frame can be moved without changing size or shape.
• The output size and file size will change with the size of the scan area.